Author: Dr. Vladimir Grigoryants

Nose surgery (nose job) can produce a very pleasing  aesthetic  balance of the face especially in  patients with large noses preoperatively. Common changes performed in rhinoplasty in such patients  are reducing the dorsal hump, refining and possibly raising the tip, and shortening the projection of...

  Rhinoplasty requires  not just surgical skills but also understanding of facial proportions.  Preoperatively, patients frequently ask how narrow should my bones or tip be or how much will my tip be lifted. The following are general observations of facial-nasal relationship found in models. 1.  The width of...

A controversial epidemic swept through Korea earlier this year when a group of aspiring Miss Korea 2013 contestants had faced claims that cosmetic procedures left all of them looking the same. Currently, South Korea boasts a booming plastic surgery industry with more young people turning...

With all the talk about weight these days it’s no wonder that both men and women are looking down and trying to figure out how to fight the battle of the bulge. You would be hard pressed to find someone that is NOT  concerned about...

Women considering breast augmentation may be thinking about just how long their breast implants will last.   The existing breast implant companies give a life time warranty on their implants  in regards to implant rupture or a leak.    However , sometimes implant removal or replacement...

Nose surgery offers results that can significantly improve your overall appearance. Helping you understanding what the surgery can and cannot do is part of the consultation with the plastic surgeon. Before the patient and surgeon commit to the procedure, predictions of results will settle patient’s...

Many people are unsatisfied with the shape of their nose and turn to rhinoplasty to promote balance and improve attractiveness. However, there are many people suffering because they have a defect in their nose that prevents them from breathing normally. After clearing your nose with...

This post will describes what steps we take to ensure safety for our patients. When these guidelines are followed, plastic surgery can be performed with a very high degree of safety. 1. Patient selection:   Prior to surgery, patients are screened for any medical conditions...

Rhinoplasty is frequently combines with other procedures in our practice.  Patients undergoing rhinoplasty will undergo another procedure such as breast augmentation, liposuction, breast reduction, lip augmentation, ear reshaping or labioplasty.  The advantage of combining surgeries is one anesthesia, one recovery period, and lower cost as...

Dr. Vladimir Grigoryants removes the nasal splint 5-7 days after rhinoplasty. His  patients are instructed to tape the nose for at least  3-4 weeks every night. Although taping affect the final result, it will reduce swelling in the morning.  The nose, especially the tip of...